
Showing posts from October, 2023

Tryst'24 - the annual technical festival of *IIT Delhi*.

Techmaghi is hosting exclusive Workshops in association with *Tryst'24*, the annual technical festival of *IIT Delhi*. Free entry for first 50 registrations.. Register now! Queries  8921238815


Dear all, *Greetings from KIOT-PAT&III* ЁЯОп *EXPLEO POOLED CAMPUS INTERVIEW @ KIOT FOR 2023, & 2022 PASSED OUT BATCHES* ЁЯОп ЁЯОкCompany Name: *EXPLEO*ЁЯОк Date of Interview: *19.10.2023* ЁЯЪи Venue: *Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem, TN* ЁЯОЧ️Eligibility Criteria: *B.E / B.TECH : MECH, Aeronautical, Industrial Production,Industrial Engg 2023 & 2022 Passed out Batches* Additional Courses or certification in CATIA tool.  ЁЯТ░Salary: *4.00 LPA*ЁЯТ░   ЁЯФЧ *Registration link:* With thanks & regards, *KIOT - PAT&III*

Exclusively for Electrical Engineers only!

This programs for recent engineering graduates aiming for roles in the Electrical core domain. 1. Technical Skills: Switchgear panel design, substation design, Illumination, Solar PV plant design, AutoCAD etc. 2. Entry-Level: Salaries in the range of ₹2.4 lakh to ₹3.6 lakh per annum, depending on factors like educational qualifications and location.  3. Mid-Career: With 3-8 years of experience range from ₹6 lakh to ₹15 lakh or more per annum, depending on skills, specialisation, and the industry. 4. Experience: Employers often prefer candidates with relevant work experience. Securing internships or co-op opportunities during your education can be essential to gaining the experience needed to get high paying jobs. 5. Designations: Electrical specialisations such as Design Engineer, O & M Engineer, Site Engineer, Testing & Commission Engineer, Procurement Engineer, Tendering Engineer, R & D Engineer. More details: Let

Comn logo redesigned as Colourful C shaped rainbow logo


Empower Your Electrical Future - Gain Clarity at Our Webinar!

Hello, Are you struggling with: 1. No Clarity on the Electrical Job Market? 2. No Clarity on Your Electrical Future Career Path? We understand the challenges you face. Uncertainties about the electrical job market and your future can be overwhelming. But guess what? Clarity is just a webinar away! ЁЯМЯ Join Us to Find Your Electrical Answers: ✦ Date: 07-Oct-2023 ✦ Time: 7:30 PM ✦ Venue: Webinar Link At our webinar, we'll address these struggles and more: - Discover where your electrical opportunities lie. - Explore potential paths based on your electrical skills. - Learn strategies to boost your electrical career and earnings. - Identify what electrical employers are searching for in candidates. - Master techniques to shine in the competitive electrical market

Titan Scholarship Scheme 2023-24


Volvo Group is Hiring Fresh Engineering Graduates under National Apprenticeship Training Scheme(NATS) for Skilling Indian Youth

Greetings from Volvo Group! Volvo Group is Hiring Fresh Engineering Graduates under National Apprenticeship Training Scheme(NATS) for Skilling Indian Youth. As part of this program, the hired students will be engaged with Volvo Group for one year under NATS program. Duration: 1 year Position Title: Graduate Apprentice Trainee Stipend: INR 22000 per month Qualification: 1.BE/ B.Tech (2022/2023 passout) 2. Computer Science, Information Technology, Automobile, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Electrical & Electronics, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Embedded Engineering, Electric Vehicle, Industrial Engineering, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Production Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering 2. 65% throughout academic Interested Students can Apply Here Last date for registration: 9th Oct 2023 Regards, Prabu K Recruitment Team Volvo Group India

рокுроХைрок்рокроЯрод்родுроЯрой் роХூроЯிроп роЪாродிроЪ் роЪாрой்ро▒ிродро┤் - роЕро▒ிро╡ிрок்рокு

*родрооிро┤்роиாроЯு роЕро░роЪிрой் рокுродிроп роЕро░роЪாрогைрок்рокроЯி рокро┤ைроп роЪாродி роЪாрой்ро▒ு, рооро▒்ро▒ுроо் рокுроХைрок்рокроЯроо் роЗро▓்ро▓ாрооро▓் роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроо் роЪாродி роЪாрой்ро▒ிродро┤் роЕройைрод்родைропுроо் "рокுроХைрок்рокроЯрод்родுроЯрой் роХூроЯிроп роЪாродிроЪ் роЪாрой்ро▒ிродро┤்" рокெро▒்ро▒ுроХ் роХொро│்ро│ுрооாро▒ு роЕро▒ிро╡ுро▒ுрод்родрок்рокроЯுроХிро▒родு.* *роЕро░роЪு рокродிро╡ு роХроЯ்роЯрогроо் ро░ூрокாроп் 50 роороЯ்роЯுроо் ро╡ேро▒ு роОрои்род роХроЯ்роЯрогрооுроо் роХிроЯைропாродு.* *роЖро╡рогроЩ்роХро│் :* *1. роЪாродிроЪ்роЪாрой்ро▒ு* *2. роЖродாро░் роироХро▓்* *3. роХுроЯுроо்рок роЕроЯ்роЯை роироХро▓்* *4. рокுроХைрок்рокроЯроо் роТрой்ро▒ு* *5. роЖродாро░ிро▓் роЗрогைроХ்роХрок்рокроЯ்роЯ роЪெро▓் роироо்рокро░்.* *(роХுро▒ிрок்рокு : рокெро▒்ро▒ோро░்роХро│ுроХ்роХு роЗрои்род рокுродிроп роЪாродி роЪாрой்ро▒ிродро┤் рокெро▒்ро▒ுроХ் роХொро│்ро│ роЕро▒ிро╡ுро▒ுрод்родрок்рокроЯுроХிро▒родு роПройெройிро▓், ро╡ро░ுроо் роХாро▓роЩ்роХро│ிро▓் рокெро▒்ро▒ோро░ுроЯைроп роЪாродிроЪ்роЪாрой்ро▒ு рооிроХро╡ுроо் роЕро╡роЪிропроо்.,)* *роЗрок்рокрогிроХ்роХு роЕро░ுроХாрооைропிро▓் роЙро│்ро│ роЗ роЪேро╡ை рооைропрод்родை родொроЯро░்рокு роХொро│்ро│ுрооாро▒ு роХேроЯ்роЯுроХ் роХொро│்ро│рок்рокроЯுроХிро▒родு.*

Upcoming webinar all about exploring career opportunities in electrical engineering.

"ЁЯФМ Exciting News for Electrical Engineers! ⚡️ There's an upcoming webinar all about exploring career opportunities in electrical engineering.  Whether you're just starting out or looking to advance your career, this event promises valuable insights, expert advice, and networking opportunities. ЁЯЧУ️ Date: 07-Oct-2023 ЁЯХТ Time: 7:30PM ЁЯУН Venue: Don't miss this chance to supercharge your career! Let's learn, grow, and thrive together in the world of electrical engineering.  See you there! ⚙️ЁЯЪА  #ElectricalEngineering #CareerOpportunities"

HP Skill Development Initiative for college students who identify as persons with disabilities

 Warm greetings from HP Inc ! We trust this message finds you in excellent health and high spirits. We are thrilled to introduce a remarkable opportunity specially crafted for your students. HP takes pride in unveiling a Skill Development Initiative exclusively tailored for college students who identify as persons with disabilities. Key Program Features: Our Skill Development Initiative is geared towards furnishing students with indispensable non-technical proficiencies that hold immense value in today's professional landscape. Soft skills such as communication, teamwork, adaptability, critical thinking, Interview preparedness and problem-solving are pivotal for both personal and career accomplishments. Eligibility Criteria: This initiative is open to college students currently enrolled in their 2nd, 3rd, or final year of any field of undergraduate study who identify as individuals with disabilities. Advantages of the Program: • Enhance communication and interpersonal competencies.